Ukrainian musical of the 21st century: interpretation of the genre on the example of the musical by Odesa authors “Queen Olga”




musical-theatrical culture, musical theater, musical, musical “Queen Olga”


The article is dedicated to the review of contemporary Ukrainian musical and theatrical culture as a sphere of active directorial experimentation and the search for meaningful dominants in the national artistic space of the 21st century. Among the genre-stylistic diversity of models of musical-theatrical performances of mass culture, which are represented by musical comedy, operetta, rock, pop, zong, and folk opera, the musical remains the most demanded and popular form in the modern sociocultural context, whose synthetic nature has inexhaustible potential possibilities. The author emphasizes some aspects of the peculiarities of the development of the domestic musical in the contemporary musical-theatrical sphere and the specifics of its interpretation on Ukrainian soil. Using the example of the Odesa production of the musical “Queen Olga” (2023), trends in the development of the domestic musical in the 21st century are revealed, and the significance of this genre as a bearer of its own national models, an effective form of intercultural communication, and the preservation and promotion of cultural values in the modern world is determined.


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