Song as a tool of patriotic education recipients of institutions of higher education
folk song, folklore, musical art, patriotic education, moral and spiritual values, graduates of higher education institutionsAbstract
The article states that the folk song is an effective tool in the formation of moral and spiritual values and patriotic qualities of the youth, as the positive attitude of the Ukrainian people to the best character traits and moral qualities of the individual is widely represented in the songs, all the negativity that is in a person is condemned. The songs reflected a sense of honor, awareness of human dignity, the need to respect other people, highly value human virtues, show optimism, courage, which should be paid attention to in the educational process. The use of songs in educational programs, cultural events and outside classroom work will actively form patriotic feelings in student youth, contribute to the development of their personal qualities and social activity. The educational component of musical and patriotic education, which has always aroused the interest of both classics of pedagogy and modern researchers, is considered. The authors emphasize that musical art is an important element in the formation of personality, capable of reflecting national values, culture and historical traditions. The study and implementation of musical works in the educational process contributes to the development of patriotic feelings and the strengthening of identity, which makes this topic particularly relevant in the conditions of modern society. The role of the song as an important component of patriotic education of students of higher education institutions is analyzed, its importance in the formation of national consciousness of future defenders of the Motherland is emphasized. It is noted tha, subject to skillful pedagogical use, the song opens up invaluable opportunities for improving and enriching the educational process. The authors indicate the need to intensify methodical support, including the development of methodical recommendations, as well as audio and video materials for the effective introduction of song content into educational practice. The importance of patriotic, spiritual and aesthetic education in modern society is growing, so the problem of patriotic education will remain in the center of attention of scientists. In the further work, it is planned to use the author’s song as one of the effective means of patriotic education, which will contribute to the formation of an active civic position among student youth.
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