Contemporary creativity of students of the faculty of Art and Graphic Arts at Ushinsky University: the role of plein air experience and inspiration from nature in the formation of artists-teachers




students’ creativity, students of the Faculty of Art and Graphic Arts of Ushynsky University, plein air, nature, landscape genre, plein air practice, Odesa School of Painting


The study examines the open-air experience of students of the Faculty of Art and Graphics of The State Institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky”, for the last time period (15 years). An analysis of methodical approaches to performing creative tasks from outdoor practice was made. Approbation of creative tasks was carried out during open-air practice at the departments of fine arts and theory and methods of decorative and applied arts and graphics. A short historical tour was conducted, the concepts of “Odesa school of painting” and “southern Ukrainian traditions” in the art of Ukraine were substantiated. Both classical (painting, batik) and innovative forms of education (media art) were considered, where students were inspired by natural motives in the implementation of their own projects during their studies at the art and graphic faculty. The connection of the landscape genre with the mandatory disciplines: “Educational (artistic and creative) practice «Plein air»”, “Theory and practice of painting”, “Theory and practice of drawing”, as well as the optional disciplines “Urban landscape” and “Decorative landscape”. The factors that had and have an influence on the formation of the “Odessa painting school” have been identified. It has been proven that communication with nature is a healing and improving factor, an eternal source of inspiration. Illustrative materials are shown and described – photos of artists paintings and photographic materials revealing the main theme. The practical significance of being inspired by nature, outdoor practice and the use of natural motifs is in the harmonization of human as a part of the universe, in the creation of wonderful works of art that improve the mood, in the formation of the necessary skills of an artist-pedagogue.


Художньо-графічний факультет. Сайт університету Ушинського. URL:

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